This is an effort I made a few years ago.
namAmIsvaram saccidAnandarUpam
lasatkundalam gokule bhrAjamAnam/
parAmrstamatyantato drutya gopyA//
I bow to Isvara, of sat-cit-ananda form, with dangling earrings, who shines resplendant in Gokula; who, in terror of Yasoda fled, alighting from the grinding mortar, but who was ultimately caught from behind by the cowherdess who moved with swifter pace.1
rudantam muhurnetrayugmam mrjantam
karAmbhojayugmena sAtankanetram/
muhuh svAsakampatrirekhAnkakantha-
sthitagraivam dAmodaram bhaktibaddham//
With intermitant weeping he rubs his tear-filled eyes with his lotus-hands, casting timorous looks (at her).With short breaths, sobbing and trembling the ornaments round his three-lined neck are shaken; this Damodara is bound by love.2
itIdrk svalIlAbhirAnandakunde
svaghosam nimajjantamAkhyApayantam/
tadIyesitajnesu bhaktairjitatvam
punah prematastam satAvrtti vande//
Thus is shown, by such lila as this, how he immerses his own poeple in pools of bliss and thereby makes known to those who seek him how he is subjugated by the bhakta; again with adoration I bow to him a hundred times.3
varam deva! moksam na moksAvadhim vA
na cAnyam vrne 'ham varesAdapIha
idam te vapurnAtha! gopAlabAlam
sadA me manasyAvirAstAm kim-anyaih//
O thou bestower of boons! I seek not any kind of liberation, no, not even ultimate liberation, nor anything else from thee, though thou mayst grant it. I would fain behold this form of thine, the cowherd child, within my mind. What need have I for anything other?4
idam te mukhAmbhojamavyaktanIlair-
vrtam kuntalaih snigdharaktaisca gopyA/
muhuscumbitam bimbaraktAdharam me
manasyAvirAstAmalam laksalAbhaih//
This your lotus-face, surrounded by black and glossy curling tresses, stained with red by the cowherdess who repeatedly kisses you with her bimba-berry lips; let this be manifest in my mind, I reject millions of other gains.5
namo deva! dAmodarAnanta!visno!
prasIda prabho! dukhajAlAbdhimagnam/
krpAdrstivrstyAtidInam batAnu-
grhAnesa! mAmajnamedhyaksidrsyah//
Namo Deva! Damodara! Ananta! Visnu! Lord have mercy! I am sunk in the sea of woe. Shower this base and ignorant wretch with your compassionate glance. Accept me and let me see you with my eyes.6
kuverAtmajau baddhamUrtyaiva yadvat
tvayA mocitau bhaktibhAjau krtau ca/
tathA premabhaktim svakAm me prayaccha
na mokse grho me'sti dAmodareha//
Though you yourself were bound, you released the sons of Kuvera and also made them the recipients of bhakti. O Damodara please grant me your prema bhakti, I do not ask or seek release.7
namaste'stu dAmne sphuraddIptidhAmne
tvadIyodarAyAtha visvasya dhAmne/
namo rAdhikAyai tvadIya priyAyai
namo'nantalIlAya devAya tubhyam//
I bow to the rope, the manifest effulgence. I bow to your belly wherein the universe abides. I bow to Radhika, your best beloved, and I bow to you, the lord of endless divine exploits.8
Sorry to barge in with that. The various translations like the one you have used Malati, are excesively padded, as can be seen from Nitai's analasys from Sanatan Goswami. I think it is spoiled by making what would have been implicit, and therefore relished in that way, into the overdone spelt-out translations that you usually find. Still its all good stuff I s'pose. What do I know?
A fault that I see in my own attempt is that I have kept too many Sanskrt words like Isvara and saccidananda, but accomanied by Sanatana's annotation those terms are made explicit. Also, I may have shaved off too much, but my sole intent was to get as close to the original as far as I could concieve it.